heart squeeze

i took this picture of my little cousin, peter benjamin wall, this morning...thought you could use a little squeeze to your heart today! 

more! laugh it out

Kids' Thoughts on Love

Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen

Kids' thoughts on love and the proper age to get married (great for wedding speeches):

  • "Eighty-four, because at that age, you don't have to work anymore, and you can spend all your time loving each other in your bedroom." (Judy, 8)
  • "Once I'm done with kindergarten, I'm going to find me a wife." (Tom, 5)

What do people do on a first date?

  • "On the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date." (Mike, 9)

Kids' thoughts on love and when it's okay to kiss someone:

  • "You should never kiss a girl unless you have enough bucks to buy her a big ring and her own VCR, cause she'll want to have videos of the wedding." (Jim, 10)
  • "Never kiss in front of other people. It's a big embarrassing thing if anybody sees you. But if nobody sees you, I might be willing to try it with a handsome boy, but just for a few hours." (Kally, 9)
  • "It's never okay to kiss a boy. They always slobber all over you...that's why I stopped doing it." (Jean, 10)

Is it better to be single or married?

  • "It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need somebody to clean up after them." (Lynette, 9)
  • "It gives me a headache to think about that stuff. I'm just a kid. I don't need that kind of trouble." (Kenny, 7)

Kids' thoughts on love and why it happens between two particular people:

  • "No one is sure why it happens, but I heard it has something to do with how you smell. That's why perfume and deodorant are so popular." (Jan, 9)
  • "I think you're supposed to get shot with an arrow or something, but the rest of it isn't supposed to be so painful." (Harlen, 8)

The question, "What’s falling in love like?"

  • "Like an avalanche where you have to run for your life." (Roger, 9)
  • "If falling in love is anything like learning how to spell, I don't want to do it. It takes too long." (Leo, 7)

Kids' thoughts on love and good looks:

  • "If you want to be loved by somebody who isn't already in your family, it doesn't hurt to be beautiful." (Jeanne, 8)
  • "It isn't always just how you look. Look at me, I'm handsome like anything and I haven't got anybody to marry me yet." (Gary, 7)
  • "Beauty is skin deep. But how rich you are can last a long time." (Christine, 9)

Kids' thoughts on love and why lovers hold hands:

  • "They want to make sure their rings don't fall off because they paid good money for them." (Dave, 8)

What do you really think of love?

  • "I'm in favor of love as long as it doesn't happen when “The Simpsons” is on television." (Anita, 6)
  • "Love will find you, even if you are trying to hide from it. I have been trying to hide from it since I was five, but the girls keep finding me." (Bobby, 8)
  • "I'm not rushing into being in love. I'm finding fourth grade hard enough." (Regina, 10)

Kids' thoughts on the personal qualities necessary to be a good lover:

  • "One of you should know how to write a check. Because even if you have tons of love, there is still going to be a lot of bills." (Ava, 8) What a funny quote about love!

Kids' thoughts on love and ways to make someone fall in love with you:

  • "Tell them that you own a whole bunch of candy stores." (Del, 6)
  • "Don't do things like have smelly, green sneakers. You might get attention, but attention ain't the same thing as love." (Alonzo, 9)
  • "One way is to take the girl out to eat. Make sure it's something she likes to eat. French fries usually work for me." (Bart, 9)

How can you tell if two adults eating dinner at a restaurant are in love?

  • "Just see if the man picks up the check. That's how you can tell if he's in love." (John, 9)
  • "Lovers will just be staring at each other and their food will get cold. Other people care more about the food." (Brad, 8)
  • "It's love if they order one of those desserts that are on fire. They like to order those because it's just like how their hearts are on fire." (Christine, 9)

What are most people thinking when they say, “I love you”?

  • "The person is thinking, Yeah, I really do love him. But I hope he showers at least once a day." (Michelle, 9)

Funny quotes about love and learning to kiss:

  • "You learn it right on the spot when the gooshy feelings get the best of you." (Doug, 7)
  • "It might help to watch soap operas all day." (Carin, 9)

Kids' thoughts on the stages of love:

  • "Spend most of your time loving instead of going to work." (Tom, 7)
  • "Be a good kisser. It might make your wife forget that you never take out the trash." (Randy, 8)

lean & green

The Hook's Stephanie Garcia wrote an article about 2009 Wedding Trends... 

Picture by Jen Fariello

laugh it out

i love kids...and i really love this article. my best friend just sent me this...its hysterical...
(if you don't laugh, there is something really wrong with you)

How to Decide Who to Marry: By Kids
By: Salma Rumman

Kids contemplate marriage.

How would you make your marriage work?

Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a truck.
Ricky, age 10

How can a stranger tell if two people are married?

You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids.
Derrick, age 8

What do you think your mom and dad have in common?

Both don’t want any more kids.
Lori, age 8

What do most people do on a date?

Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough.
Lynnette, age 8 (isn’t she a treasure?)

On the first date, they just tell each other lies and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date.
Martin, age 10

What would you do on a first date that was turning sour?

I’d run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in all the dead columns.
Craig, age 9

When is it okay to kiss someone?

When they’re rich.
Pam, age 7

The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn’t want to mess with that.
Curt, age 7

The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It’s the right thing to do.
Howard, age 8

What is the right age to get married?

Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then.
Camille, age 10

No age is good to get married at. You got to be a fool to get married.
Freddie, age 6 (very wise for his age)

Is it better to be single or married?

I don’t know which is better, but I’ll tell you one thing. I’m never going to have sex with my wife. I don’t want to be all grossed out.
Theodore, age 8

It’s better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them.
Anita, age 9 (bless you child)

How do you decide whom to marry?

You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming.
Alan, age 10

No person really decides before they grow up who they’re going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you’re stuck with.
Kristen, age 10

c-ville weekly's unions

Check out the C-ville Weekly's Unions this week! 

skinny love

I'm addicted to Bon Iver's album For Emma

In God We Trust

These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts, and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place.

ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning?
WITNESS: He said, "Where am I, Cathy?"
ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you?
WITNESS: My name is Susan!

ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.

ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?
WITNESS: No, I just lie there.

ATTORNEY: Thismyasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?
ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory?
WITNESS: I forget.
ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot?

ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?
WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?

ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the twenty-year-old, how old is he?
WITNESS: He's twenty, much like your IQ.

ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS: Are you shitting me?

ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
WITNESS: Getting laid

ATTORNEY: She had three children, right?
ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
WITNESS: Your Honor, I think I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney?

ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS: By death.
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
WITNESS: Take a guess.

ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard.
ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
WITNESS: Unless the Circus was in town I'm going with male.

ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?
WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.

ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?
WITNESS: All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight.

ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you go to?

ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.
ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
WITNESS: If not, he was by the time I finished.

And the best for last:

ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.


sink or swim

Most of you probably don't care much about this...but for you iphone owners out there, this trick could save your phone's life. Sounds drastic, I know.

iphones can't swim!

Mine took a dip in the dog's bowl last night, as i was taking my jacket off...it dove right in. Darn it! (those were not the words i used)...

This lovely message appeared on the screen (no kidding) immediately following the dip. I'm such a loser, I thought.

Everything seemed to be working perfectly...except, well.. it was on permanent mute (I mean, with texting and email, I figured I could probably get away with a permanently muted phone...). Turns out that wouldn't fly after all...so I spent this morning in AT&T hoping the cute guy behind the desk could share some words of wisdom...

Today is my lucky day...turns out...the trick to teaching an iphone a lesson after water immersion is 24 hours of rice immersion. So for the next 24 hours, if you need me, come find me. My phone is taking a time out in a jar of rice (that will teach 'em).

Side Note: The crazy thing is... this really worked!

tomorrow tomorrow

Tomorrow is a big day!!

And in the scheme of it all, tomorrow should always considered to be a big day...who knows what might happen tomorrow?.....

"We need your service, right now, in this moment--our moment--in history. I'm not going to tell you what your role should be; that's for you to discover. But I am going to ask you to play your part; ask you to stand up; as you to put your foot firmly into the current of history."
Barack Obama, Colorado Springs, July 2, 2008.

so what are you doing tomorrow?
(i'm trying to figure it out myself)

case of the mondays

have a case of the mondays? need a little squeeze for your heart?

Southern Weddings...

Ronda and Brian's wedding made the Southern Wedding Blog! Woooohoo! For those of you who don't stalk wedding websites (it's my job people...) this is one of the best! And I have to admit... Ronda and Brian did throw quite a party to celebrate their nuptials.... it is fun to be able to look back and see their pictures in lights! 

check it Hoos!

As a proud Virginia graduate I feel like this is definitely worth a little face time on my blog...

just out...

The University of Virginia offers students the best education for their money of all the nation's public universities, according to "Best Value Colleges for 2009," a ranking released today by  The Princeton Review and USA TODAY.

happy 2009

Hi. Happy New Year. I've missed you!

I got this email from James yesterday...and thought it would be worth sharing with you guys... (James, i hope you don't mind)
thanks to all of you who have sent letters and care packages to James and his Marines. I know they really appreciate the letters and items, but also the sentiments behind them.

Side note: these pictures are also from James. They are incredible. The pictures themselves, but also the feelings you get from looking at them. I can't even imagine.


Happy New Year! Can’t believe it’s already 2009. I hope everyone stayed safe and had a wonderful time celebrating with friends and family. The last week and a half has been pretty busy out here to say the least. Along with continuing to provide logistical support to units throughout our AO, we had several visitors come out to wish us a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, to include the Commandant of the Marine Corps. The weather has been extremely cold, especially at night. With the wind chill, the lows have dropped into the high teens and low twenties. We had our first snow on 1 January...two to three inches accumulated on the deck about 70 kilometers away from our position. While we only got a thick frost, one of our Combat Logistics Patrols (CLP’s) that went out the same day, had to drive through it. The snow melted once the sun came up and washed out several roads and turned the rat trails into a complete mess. Two of our trucks got stuck and we had to induct both of them into Maintenance for repairs due to the damage they sustained while trying to pull them out.

To recap, Christmas day was a good time. We had hot chow flown in, which was absolutely amazing. We also held a “talent show” to boost morale…kinda like American Idol. There were eight participants, two of which were Marines from my platoon that had been putting together a “lyrical storm” for a few days. One played guitar while the other sang. Hands down I thought they did a great job. After the three judges talked for a few minutes, they confirmed my opinion by awarding my Marines 1st Place. “1st Place” was an all day “pass” to the closest Army FOB (Forward Operating Base) which is over 100 kilometers away. The FOB had hot showers, a chow hall with real food (not just MRE’s and UGR’s), and a PX.

The joke was on us though…we already had a CLP heading that way the next day to drop off a vehicle part and the two “winners” were already manifested to go. We all laughed. The next day the FOB was everything we’d hoped it would be. Being out here makes you cherish all of the small things you usually take for granted back home…like hot water, clean clothing, and fresh food. We got a taste of all three and they never tasted so good. Even though our stay was brief, it was worth every minute. New Year’s Eve was spent playing cards, swapping stories, and trying to stay warm. We had almost frozen Non-Alcoholic Beer available (a.k.a. Near Beer), but nobody felt like “drinking.”
We opened up the New Year with a promotion ceremony. I had the privilege of promoting one of my IRR (Reserve) Marines from Corporal to Sergeant. He is a prior 0331 (Infantry Machine Gunner) and served in OIF 1 & 2, participating in open combat in Najaf, Nasariyah, and Al Kut. Originally from Montana, Sgt Burns is a well-respected member of the platoon. We “broke him in” today by giving him the responsibility of leading a mission to recovery a down LAR (Light Armored Reconnaissance) vehicle.

To put this in perspective, this type of mission/responsibility is usually handled by me, my Staff Sergeant, or one of our two seasoned Motor Transport Sergeants who have done it countless times. Burns, not being Motor Transport, but wanting to prove himself worthy did what any Buck Sergeant would have do in his situation…he completed the mission the best way he knew how. He got the job done and performed really well.
Apparently someone with a much higher rank and pay-grade than me thinks what we are doing out here is working & helping to stop Al-Qaeda. Very good news. As a result, we are staying an extra week until our replacements arrive. No complaints on our side. We love it up here and all wish we could stay longer.

I want to thank everyone for keeping us in their prayers, writing us letters, and sending us care packages. We appreciate ever bit of it! Thank you for spending your time, hard-earned money, and energy to support us. You have no idea how much it boosts morale…I wish you could see everyone’s face and reaction to getting the items you send. Thank you!

Semper Fidelis,

Again... to write to one of the Marines in James' platoon all you need is a pen, paper, and .42 cent stamp. Oh yeah... and this address:

UNIT 42310
FPO, AP 96426-42310