all you need

A few weeks ago I met Georgiana and John, two people who have it all.

He just turned 97, she is 89. They’re 8 years apart-- but that is the only thing that separates them. They met walking down the aisle, she was the Maid of Honor, he the Best Man. They’ve been married for 69 years…and counting. You can tell by watching them together and listening to their stories that they are each perfect for the other. They love each other more and more with each moment, each day, each year. And the cool thing is, they don’t just love each other, they adore each other!

When I left, Georgiana handed me a little blue handmade book titled Georgiana and John: A Love Story. Flipping through the pages I found letters, newspaper clippings and stories, about their lives and journey. And what a ride...

In a letter about his wife, John summed it all up, “Of all of our trips, the greatest was traveling through life together”. You can only hope for that kind of happiness and adoration. It is as unique and endearing as Georgiana and John, and in the end, it really is, all you need.

snail mail via email

Mares sent me this snail mail card via email. The wonders of today's technology!
It's food for thought.... (a different kind than yesterday's...)

food for thought

                                                                              click on photo for video

Wouldn't it have been nice if the H1N1 vaccine 
had been available for our children before the school year started?

This site just went live this morning:

Below is a statement from the Congressional Commission worth thinking about:

This is a Call To Action video for the BIPARTISAN Congressional Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism. We've been discussing the H1N1 vaccine issue since the spring when we knew it was a virtual certainty that there would be insufficient supplies this fall.

We are the first Congressional Commission to use social media to reach out to the public. If you send an e-mail to your Senator or Representative, a 22 year-old staffer will make a check mark on a score card. However, if we get the response that we think is possible, it will give some real power to former Senators Bob Graham (D-FL) and Jim Talent (R-MO) to sit down with leaders in Congress and the White House. 

We are not selling anything except an idea. With the capability to make vaccines faster and less expensively, we can save millions of lives worldwide.

We need help with the solution.

Watch it. Share it. Learn More. Join the Conversation.


play on

"The chessboard is the world; the pieces are the gestures of our daily lives; the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us, but we know that his play is always fair, just, and patient."  T.H. Huxley

Accept the challenge. Play on!

stay hungry, stay foolish

life is long

and if you need a little inspiration today, or tomorrow
sit back, turn up the volume on your computer and take good notes

happy friday pretty lady

Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

good souls

Fall is HERE in Charlottesville. It’s my favorite time of year, the air is clear and crisp, its windy, the leaves are just starting to turn, and everyone is in a good mood. In my opinion, there is nothing better than interacting with genuinely friendly people. And I bet, if you open your eyes a bit to it, and pay attention, you’ll see them all over. I just left the Flat, a little creperie off the Downtown Mall in Charlottesville. And a highlight of my day was meeting the friendly guy behind the counter - his name was Tyler, and he couldn’t be nicer. He is a happy guy with a happy soul. So if you have a chance today, and you’re walking around town enjoying the amazing weather, stop by the Flat, and meet Tyler. I bet he’ll make your day.